
Could Republicans/Conservatives be Insane?

Yesterday, Speaker of the House John Boehner gave what was suppose to be the Republican "jobs plan".  Boehner regurgitated the same old "trickle down" deregulation garbage Republicans began spouting religiously since Ronald Reagan brought it back from the trash heap of failed Republican policies.  Bush Jr. put this "plan" in overdrive and gave us the worst economy since the Great Depression and lost 22 million jobs in the process.  Furthermore, Boehner spent most of the time deriding President Obama's real plan for putting people back to work and bringing financial relief to middle class families who have suffered the most under Republican "leadership".  When the Speaker finished lambasting the President's plan, all he offered from Republicans were the same failed ideas that almost ruined this country in every way possible.  Deregulation is what caused the financial collapse, yet the GOP still thinks Wall Street if left alone will police itself???  Cutting taxes on the wealthy and large corporations has been tried time and again and has done nothing but make the rich richer while devastating the middle class. Boehner's "plan" has not only created no new jobs but has in effect caused this country to lose millions of them. Come on people, Boehner's "jobs plan" are the same failed policies George W. Bush & co. stole from previous Republican regimes.  In effect, if the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, then Republicans fit the definition of insane.  It's time Americans stop falling for them and the politicians who espouse them.  Stop the insanity and tell your Congressman to Pass the President's Job Plan.
For more like this: http://www.politicususa.com/en/the-republican-choice-of-evil

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