
Dangerous Radiation Leak at Japanese Power Plant

According to the Associated Press a new fire has erupted today at reactor no.4 at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan.  Nuclear power experts are saying this may have caused the roof of the reactor to crack and possibly lead to a dangerous radiation leak. 140,000 residents living within 5 miles of the plant have already been evacuated, however  those within 19 miles of the reactor have been told to stay indoors with doors and window shut and sealed. Read the full story:
New reactor fire as Japan works to contain threat

Family Farmer Tony Schultz is New Face of WI Union Battle

Family farmer Tony Schultz has become the face of the Wisconsin fight over Governor Scott Walker and the Republican's unlawful, middle class destroying, union busting legislation.  Schultz's impassioned speech where he declares solidarity between family farmers and workers has captured the attention of Americans across the nation.  Check out his amazing speech here.



As fire is now being reported at a fourth reactor at a Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, Japan. Officials in Japan are asking residents within a 19 mile radius are being asked to evacuate.  The earthquake that hit Japan on Friday has now been upgraded to a 9.0. and is being blamed for the devastating tsunamia which has left the citizens of Japan with what is now being described by NBC News as worse than the United States nuclear disaster at 3 mile Island in 1979.  For live updates on the nuclear disaster:


Another Explosion at Nuclear Power Plant in Japan

The latest explosion at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, "may be the most significant yet      according to Nuclear Scientist and the Director of the Nuclear Safety Project at the Union of Concerned Scientists David Lochbaum.  He stated on "The Rachel Maddow" Show earlier tonight, that initial reports may indicate the third rods most inner containment shell, composed of concrete and steel, may have been compromised in the explosion which occurred a few hours ago.  The third explosion certainly seemed much bigger to anyone who has seen it.  Hopefully, we will be getting more answers as events in Japan continue to unfold.