
Video: Santorum Claims Prenatel Care Leads to More Abortions

This interview of Rick Santorum by Bob Sheiffer is so full of misinformation and "lies" I won't even name them all.. They are that obvious.  Santorum claims 90% of fetus found to carry Downs Syndrome are aborted (lie).  I only wonder why Mr. Scheiffer didn't question his sources.  Didn't Sarah Palin have amnio?  I have at least 4 friends who after having amnio decided to continue their pregnancy and have the baby.   Furthermore, I must  address the reasons 3rd trimester abortions are performed.  They are extremely rare and are only done when the fetus meets very strict critiria.  Many are fetus who will die an extremely painful death shortly after being born, some are born with no brain stem, some endanger both the mother and the fetus's life if born. These are just many of the horrible circumstances women confront when having to make this difficult decision.  I wonder if Mr. Santorum would have allowed his wife and mother of his other 5 children to die if forced to make such a horrible choice?

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