The real question in the election of 2012 will be whether the percentage of "anybody but Obama" voters are motivated by their visceral hatred of the President to vote for candidates they may find less than ideal. Most of these type of voters can't even give you a realistic reason for their hatred of President Obama but will that hatred propel them to vote for candidates they must hold their noses to vote for? Months have been spent by Republican primary voters courting the Bachmans, Cains, Gingrichs, even falling for the tease of Donald Trump rather than admitting they had only one alternative to Obama: Willard Mitt Romney. The fact that the GOP voters would even consider the others should tell you the state of the Republican voter. They have been fed a steady diet of disinformation from all conservative media sources, especially "The Fox News Show" but also online propaganda that feeds their hatred for anything Obama, including his family. And of course they email these lies to everyone they know or have met ( I've gotten a few). So I guess the question is: Will hatred win the day?
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