
Video: Herman Cain Shows Even Greater Ignorance Regarding Libya

Herman Cain not only showed complete ignorance regarding President Obama's actions concerning Libya.  He has now compounded on his infamous flub by claiming Al Quida and the Taliban have now taken control of Libya.  Watch:

OWS, Where Do We Go From Here??

The United States did not free itself from the tyranny of British rule in days, weeks or months.  It took many years and much bloodshed by brave and brilliant men to finally form what is now the greatest country on this earth.  Yet, still it took our country over one hundred years to finally rid itself of black slavery.  It took over another hundred years and even more bloodshed by more brave men and women to pass a civil rights act and put an end to legal segregation. Although in many ways segregation exists to this day.  And we still fight on against racism and bigotry.  All women were disenfranchised in the United States until 1919 and women's rights have still never truly been equal to our American male counterparts. Yet we continue to fight for gender equality.  The Triangle Shirt Waist factory fire finally called national attention to the lack of even basic safety conditions in the work place.  Unions had fought for decades to establish worker safety as a human "right". Unions fought to give workers the minimum wage, the establishment of the weekend, the 8 hour work day, overtime pay and the establishment of child labor laws, and many causes now perceived as common sense or what we may generally take for granted as our rights as American citizens.  Would any of us put up with being locked on factory floors or consider working under those unsafe working conditions today?  Would we put up with companies employing our children?  Would our country put up with any of the liberties many men and women have fought and died for over the past centuries?  We must seriously ask ourselves these questions. Because in this country, presently there are powerful forces existing which are still fighting against these rights. Think Koch brothers and the billions they spend on just that. Yet our unions, though weakened over the past decades, fight on to continue to protect those rights.against those who wish to dismantle them.  Franklin D. Roosevelt did not accomplish the New Deal, nor many of the other safeguards he put in place in the financial industry and elsewhere, overnight.  He did not end massive unemployment until the second world war made  a massive stimulus, in other words basic Keynesian economics, necessary  to provide government funding for the huge man (and women) power and war supplies needed to win the second world war.  During this time our country pulled together to support the greatest war this country had ever known.  We proudly planted "Victory Gardens", purchased war bonds and accepted food and gas rationing, as patriotic duties.  Our brave soldiers, because of these efforts and more, were well supplied and well fed.  Today, we may seem to have lost this sense of purpose we felt in those days.  However, I believe it still exists.  We are faced with the greatest recession since the great depression.  Yet we did not get there overnight.  For years we have allowed "Conservatives" to rob us and even destroy our land and water in the name of greed.  We have allowed ourselves to be lied into a war in which those in power profited greatly.  We have allowed these very few, however more and more powerful, to do this by turning a country of people, who once fought and sacrificed together, into a people who now turn against each other.  They have used the very differences portrayed in America's proverbial melting pot very much like the rich slave owning plantations owners did over one hundred and fifty years ago to once again turn American against American, creating a war fought not by them but by the common man who would never be affected by slavery but could be counted on to fight against "negro" freedom the plantation owners railed against.  And much American blood was shed across the United States. Have we learned nothing?   And while we are busy looking away and once again fighting other Americans over issues that make us different. Differences, some have fought and died so we might stand together with understanding and acceptance.  These new robber barons of the right will continue to attempt to take away all we have fought so hard for.  Occupy Wall Street has been an important step in calling attention to these criminals and their criminal activities but the criminals have been at it for a long time. We will have to work hard and long to stop them.  And we must do this in the way the United States was designed to rid our great country of such inequities: by peacefully addressing our grievances and  fighting them on the political battle fieldDo not give up on "Real Democrats".  Do not give up on President Obama.  He has only had three years to fight against the most vicious and immoral opponents, willing to do anything to win.  But none of our countries struggles were won in a day, in a month, in a year or even in three years.  Yes, what do we want? justice;  when do we want it? now,  may have once been our honorable rallying cry, but in reality justice is never realized "now".  It is realized one step at a time, by Americans willing to fight as long as it takes.

Video: Barney Frank Destroys Newt Gingrich

If there is one name Conservatives despise even more than the name Nancy Pelosi, that name would most likely be Barney Frank.  And consider which conservative would have the reason to despise Congressman Frank the most: 2012 presidential contender and former disgraced Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Could it be that Gingrich, knowing how many skeletons Barney Frank knows are hidden in Newt Gingrich's closet, would have plenty of reason to fear Frank?  Well it certainly doesn't seem  hard to find  inconsistencies in candidate Gingrich's interviews .Does he fail to understand how easy his declarations are to disprove by simply reviewing the video?  Newt Gingrich knows fully well how Barney Frank could add the narrative and help us all understand just how underhanded Mr. Gingrich has been all these years. Or does he truly believe the rest of American will fall for the garbage he's been able to feed to red meat hungry teabaggers on the right?  Watch how easily the most brilliant man in congress, Barney Frank, destroys him on Andrea Mitchell Reports:


Micheal Steele Insinuates Democrats Controlled Congress During Failure of Freddie and Fannie

Congressman (D-M) Barney Frank devastated Newt Gingrich's revisionist history over the failure of Freddie and Fannie Mac by pointing out that the Republican Party controlled Congress for over 12 years and did nothing to rectify the failure of the agencies which was becoming more and more apparent.  Congressman Frank pointed out that although he initially supported the government agencies because of his initial support for affordable home ownership, he later changed his view and urged the Republicans to initiate investigations into both of the agencies to no avail.  Today, on Al Sharpton's Politics Nation, Micheal Steele erroneously stated the Democrats were in control of the house from 1996-2002.  In fact, Republicans lead the House from 1994 until 2007 when Congressman Frank and Senator Dodd (D-M) were able to take over and finally put Fannie and Freddie into a conservortership.  Here is an interview a posted earlier taken from Andre Mitchel Reports where Congressman Frank explains this in detail:

Congressman (D-M) Barney Frank devistated Newt Gingrich's revisionist history over the failure of Freddie and Fannie Mac by pointing out that the Republican Party controlled Congress for over 12 years and did nothing to rectify the failure of the agencies which was becoming more and more apparrent.  Congressman Frank pointed out that although he initially supported the government agencies because of his initial support for affordable home ownership, he later changed his view and urged the Republicans to initiate investigations into both of the agencies to no avail.  Today, on Al Sharpton's Politics Nation, Micheal Steele errounously stated the Democrats were in control of the house from 1996-2002.  In fact, Republicans lead the House from 1994 until 2007 when Congressman Frank and Senator Dodd (D-M) were able to take over and finally put Fannie and Freddie into a conservertership.  Here is an interview a posted earlier taken from Andre Mitchel Reports where Congressman Frank explains this in detail:

Video: Rick Santorum Would Die Fighting Against Gay Marriage

Presidential wannabe Rick "man on dog" Santorum declares he would die to protect the "sanctity of marriage", which to Rick Santorum means only marriages between a man and a woman. He also goes on to express his opposition even to birth control. Santorum must have been seriously f***ed up as a kid because he is so deathly afraid of the gay he would rather die than accept it and who spends as much time thinking about sex as Rick Santorum? He definitely has mommy issues because everything he believes in just screams "I hate women". Watch this video of "man on dog" himself suppressing all the crap in his messed up head:

Wake Up America Before Republicans turn the U.S into Another 3rd World Country!

According to Republican leaders, the game plan for the 2012 presidential election will be "Obama has made the economy worse.  Americans may have extremely short memories but have they really forgotten the 22 million jobs lost under the Bush administration, the unnecessary and unfunded war he lied us into-which we're still paying for in lives and dollars.  Or the huge Bush tax cuts which are sending this country into bankruptcy-with the exception of those lucky 1% who don't work for a living. Does this country realize all the deregulation by Bush/Cheney and the Republicans has caused bridges to collapse and mines to collapse killing 29, airlines forced to ground many of their aircraft because of neglect by the the Bush "regulators".  Do people think all the outbreaks of food poisoning are just a coincidence?  And how can anyone forget about Cheney's "secret" closed door energy policy?  The policies that eventually led to 11 deaths and the greatest oil disaster in history.  Americans who believe Republican policies are the answer to America's financial and infrastructure problems may want to move to Mexico for awhile because that's exactly where this country is headed if we continue to fall for the same old Republican song and dance of cutting taxes for the wealthy and deregulation so nothing can get in their way.  After all they fly in private jets, drive the safest most expensive cars, what do they care how much gas cost and of course they buy the best food prepared by workers who wouldn't dare serve them tainted food and risk ruining their reputation.  They are insulated from the real world.  Jeez, how many times do these Republicans, (who now  masquerade as tea partiers since Bush/Cheney turned Republican into a dirty word), have to fail before Americans tell them where to take their phony failed policies, meant only to make them and their rich cronies even richer while turning this country into the kind of 3rd world country where the GOP could treat us like they do the workers in places like Mexico, China and Haiti.  God help us if they ever get in control again.  Think before you vote and if you care about the fate of the United States of America vote Democrat.  Republicans have had enough chances and have proved they have no interest in governing.  Their only concern is making sure they and their rich buddies continue to get richer and richer while caring little that the rest of us just get poorer and poorer.

Chart: Tea Party vs. Occupywallstreet

I found this chart by @LasVegasJessica via Twitter and had to share: