
Midnight Snack: Video "And Down Goes O'Reilly" Jon Stewart Knocks Out Bill'O on "The Daily Show"

The bullshit Bill O'Reilly spouts daily on his useless show didn't work so well against Jon Stewart on The Daily Show.  After Stewart delivers a knock out punch to the whiny multimillionaire, O'Reilly resorts to the $16 muffin lie being spread by the crazy right wing media. Watch:


Romney: U.S. Should ‘Reconsider Our Relationship’ With Countries That Support Palestinian U.N. Bid

Yesterday on his radio show, right-wing host Jordan Sekulow asked Mitt Romney how he would have handled the Palestinian bid for United Nations statehood recognition if he was president. Romney of course immediately jumped into to the standard, tired, old hat right-wing Obama-hates-Israel talking points but then he said something rather peculiar. Romney said the [...]/ More: http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/09/28/331454/romney-reconsider-palestinian-u-n-membership/

Video Proves Why Perry Supporters Shouldn't "Rap"

Daily Cos just posted what is probably the worst attempt at "rapping???" by two Texas Perry supporters.  A word of warning: Watching this may cause temporary hearing loss, blurry vision, night sweats or even nightmares.  Watch at your own risk:

Aren't there ordinances against this kind of thing in the Texas Capitol Building?

Midnight Snack Video: Elvis Presley "You Ain"t Nothin But A Hound Dog"

This one's dedicated to all those hound dog "Blue Dogs" out there, who give the rest of us real Democrats a bad name.


Tainted Cantaloupes Cause Deadliest Food Outbreak In A Decade As GOP Continues Fight To Gut Food Safety Laws

Via Think Progress :  An outbreak of listeria, a disease tied to tainted cantaloupe, has sickened 72 people and killed at least 16 others, making it the country’s deadliest food outbreak in more than a decade. The disease has killed people in eight states from Maryland to New Mexico after the tainted melons were shipped from a farm in [...]
For More: http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2011/09/28/331177/tainted-cantaloupe-republican-gut-food-safety/<


Clinton: ‘There Is Not A Single Solitary Example’ Of A Country That Has Succeeded With A Tea Party Philosophy

Clinton: ‘There Is Not A Single Solitary Example’ Of A Country That Has Succeeded With A Tea Party Philosophy: Former President Bill Clinton blasted the “non-fact-based political debate” surrounding the Republican primary race and Tea Party economic policies which advocate for limited government services and low taxation. Clinton, who met with a small group of bloggers on the sidelines of the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City today, responded to a [...]
For More: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/09/22/326264/bill-clinton-slams-tea-party/

Clinton: ‘There Is Not A Single Solitary Example’ Of A Country That Has Succeeded With A Tea Party Philosophy

Clinton: ‘There Is Not A Single Solitary Example’ Of A
Country That Has Succeeded With A Tea Party
Philosophy: Former President Bill Clinton blasted the “non-fact-based political debate” surrounding the Republican primary race and Tea Party economic policies which advocate for limited government services and low taxation. Clinton, who met with a small group of bloggers on the sidelines of the Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York City today, responded to a ...

Economists: Obama’s Jobs Plan Would Help Prevent A Double-Dip Recession

Ever since President Obama released his jobs plan earlier this month, Republicans have been claiming that it will not the help the economy. “What the president’s proposed so far is not serious. And it’s not a jobs plan,” said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). “I just don’t think that is really going to help [...]/p


Video: More Republican Hypocrisy at It's Finest

House majority leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) is lying when he claims any additional revenue provided to FEMA will have to be offset by 1.5 billion in cuts. The program Representative Cantor wants cut costs only $175,000.  Cantor wants to cut federal funds targeted to Quallion LLC in California, which manufactures batteries for electric cars.  Cutting this program would directly result in over 1,500 job losses and indirectly to thousands more.  Mary Landrieu (D-LA) called out Cantor for misrepresenting the amounts needed to offset costs for disaster relief.  Watch:

Most damning to Republicans however is the rank hypocrisy shown and proven by letters read on the Senate floor by Senator Landrieu.  She specifically calls out Congressman Darrell Issa, head of the powerful House Ethics Committee, for a letter he wrote and signed asking for support of this the very program House Republicans are now asking to cut.
LANDRIEU: I’m going to do this all week, so I hope the press gets ready to ask these Republican leaders how could you possibly have the gall to hold press opportunities in your district promising people that you’re helping them to create jobs and then come back to Washington and cut the rug out from under their feet with a bogus excuse that you have to come up with a billion dollars [...] when the real need for FEMA in 2011 is $175 million. But under the guise of having to provide a billion dollars, they want to gut this program that’s creating jobs and they themselves have asked for these loans to be made in their district. [...]
Several members, and I am going to submit their names to the record [...] In addition — this is the killer, this is the killer — in addition Quallion think that this funding will create more than two thousand three hundred new and long-term jobs nationwide. And this is the program that Representative Cantor decided to use as an offset so he could fool the American people.