Why in the hell is Anne Coulter even invited on Sunday Morning News Talk Shows experts are invited on to discuss important current events and political issues? Ms Coulter is notorious for the many outrageous, evil, racist remarks she more than occasionally decides to pull out of her bony little ass. During this particular show, little Annie makes a total fool of herself by trying to give an exceptionally distorted history of Keynesian economics. My favorite part is Elliot Spitzter kindly explaining to Coulter "your story would be nice if true, but it's not". Spitzer then left her speechless as he gave a correct explanation of Keynesian economics. If poor Ann wasn't emotionless she might have cried. The only thing Anne Coulter knows is how to be is crude, rude and socially unacceptable. Oh and wrong about everything.
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Just because their may be a few people that think Ann was right about Reagan, she wasn't.
Ronald Reagen might have been more of a Keynesian that Roosevelt. He not only lowered taxes, he did a ton of deficit spending (he left behind a 3 Trillion Dollar debt).
The problem is that most of the money was military spending, but he did in fact use government money to stimulate the economy and create jobs. Textbook Keynesian economics.
So if you are keeping score, Ann Coulter had NOTHING RIGHT, which is about average for her.
Reagan did a great deal to the economy besides spending, much of which we will continue paying for years. His administration was responsible for the destruction of the 1927 McFadden Act law aimed at preserving community banking by restricting the ability of financial institutions to operate in more than one state. The law was the only thing standing in the way of national companies swallowing up independently owned banks across the country. He also allowed large banking institutions to circumvent the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Besides the huge changes he would bring to the contours of American commerce, Reagans's actions would have ramifications for years to come and lead to one financial crisis after another including the subprime mortgage crisis and the devastation in the financial sector that unfolded in the second half of 2008. What was left of Glass-Steagall, would not finally be repealed until 1999-but the processes he and his Republican colleagues set in motion in 1981 were the genesis of so much that is wrong with the U.S. economy in the twenty-first century.
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